Jesus taking a selfie - cuz, why wouldn't he?
WTStock - Week of 10/22/17
Caricatures of US President Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin taking a selfie - using toy action figures
This one needs no explanation.
WTStock - the week of 9/24
"Attractive couple at the sea - Stock image". Delightful.
Teenagers college student smiling with globe - Stock image
A lot's happened since I've been away, but one thing hasn't changed - the caliber of your typical stock image. Here we have the appropriate number of ethnically and genderly diverse young folk intently studying a globe on a beach. Mr. Green Collared Shirt is about as serious as you can be about a globe. So serious that I feel like he's acting. Like maybe he's a beachcomber who happened upon this group of millennials and is trying to go unnoticed. Either way, this image is not the same type of absurd image I usually post. Instead, it is quintessentially what is wrong with stock - scenes depicted that are crappy metaphors for some bullet in a powerpoint showing dimwits engaging in an activity about three miles away from real life. Photography's purpose is to reflect upon and contribute to our shared human experience. Stock photography's purpose is to apparently torpedo it. Ok, I'll hop off my soap box now. Happy Friday, all!
WTStock - Week of 3/12
This week is a doozy. "Businessman trapped in rope web." And what a web it is. Seriously, people, make better stock photography. This stuff is just ridiculous. On second thought, keep making awful stock, cuz I do enjoy my weekly laugh.